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helpful reminders about spiritual reading…

Lectio is not the same thing as reading the Bible through in one year. The One Year Bible has its place but lectio is not “reading by the pound.” It is as Terrence Kardong puts it, to “slow down and plow through the Bible on all fours.” It demands that the reader approach the Bible as a pray-er, rather than as a consumer.

Furthermore, lectio is reading the Bible not for information but for formation. Irene Nowell likens the study of scripture without prayer and practice to reading a cookbook without ever cooking or eating. In other words, lectio is meditating on spliritual readings in order to be changed. That is why it usually involves reading with the mouth, mind, and memory – to help transform the whole person.

The results of such meditative study is… to be changed by what is learned rather than to storm the gates of knowledge – to form tastes, desires, passions, attitudes, and dispositions. I the end, it is a practice that determines the way on envisions and responds to the world.

(Monk Habits for Everyday People – byDennis Okholm)

One Comment

  1. When the bible is read for what it says to our hearts, rather than just for theological understanding, it can speak into the very being of our lives.

    I agree that there is much inspiration to be found in the practice of Lectio Divina.


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