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Tag Archives: Apostle Paul

chosenI started reading Ephesians. I read the introduction and was drawn to the scope of the whole letter. Paul’s overall goal for his readers is to help young churches grow up and know what they are to be about. That is good timing for me in light of my current frustrations. After reading the first chapter I was struck by the predestination theme. Oh no. But this time a different thought came to mind about that. Instead of the frozen chosen/elitist mentality, I thought about the commission the Father has given to those He calls. We are chosen not to run away from the world but are chosen to be agents of change to the world. Paul doesn’t seem to make this about some getting a “get out of hell card” while others don’t, but more of a commission to the Church to be men and women who are a part of the Father’s agenda to be bring the world back to Him.

That is an important distinction for me. Not chosen from but chosen for …The world should be better off because we are called, not worse. How is the current (American) Church doing with that? From what I read and see, not very well. Boy, we sure do like to hide up in our plush buildings, safe programs, and spend a lot of time trying to manufacture feel good “worship” services. I am afraid we may have it all a bit out of balance. Heaven forgive us. Teacher, teach us again what it means to be your disciples.