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Tag Archives: love

I went on a trip with one of my boys to begin to explore what it means to be a man. In between the conversations, we had a lot of fun being together. Together, we tried to capture some of these fun moments on this video… here is a bit of what we experienced.

A good example of the freedom gained through obedience is found in family life. Children need attention, money has to be gotten, my wife must be listened to even when I feel my resources drained. Obedience to these limits within the discipline of family life brings with it a certain freedom which is found in love. Love as a father and as a husband is deeper than an I have ever known, and I know that this has been made possible through the countless acts of obedience to familial limits that i have made over the years: doing this or that because I know that I have to as a father and as a husband. Love without obedience to these limits and rules is a shallow love, unable to really give except when it feels good to do so…. I have found that through the limits of obedience I grow beyond the confines of the self with its desires and traps.

(Brain Taylor, Spirituality for Everyday Living)


This past Sunday we celebrated that Jesus is alive.


For a follower of Jesus, this is the best day of all – even over Christmas.

In fact, the early Christians didn’t celebrate the birth of Jesus. They were to preoccupied with the death and resurrection of the Messiah. It wasn’t until hundreds of years later that the Church decided to emphasis Jesus’ birth and that was in concert with wanting to influence a culture that worshiped the sun not The Son.


Yesterday, I got to reflecting with a few friends about Easter and why it doesn’t seem to pack the same cultural “punch” as the Christmas festivities. I heard from my friends that it may be because it requires first a walk through sin, death, and helplessness before one can experience the celebration of Life.

One can see why that might be a downer. The really good parties don’t usually start out this way.

But that is exactly how it is with Easter. One cannot jump for joy on Easter until one sits in the ashes of Good Friday. Easter without Good Friday is like a fish without water – just fits of flopping around, slowing loosing life.

Maybe that is why followers of Jesus choose to gather on Sundays not the traditional Sabbath Saturdays.

To remember.

To remind each other that we are people of Easter – people of Life. Although we recognize sin and death is in and around us all the time, Sunday’s do not belong to these things because, by faith, we believe Jesus is alive and has conquered sin and death.

That makes all the difference!

Every Sunday should be a party for followers of Jesus! On Sundays we should let go of yesterday, push away the worries of tomorrow, and









Thank GOD we have 51 more parties to go.

(and then we get to start all over again)

down and dirty scrap booking – man style.